Kua Number is a very basic concept in Feng Shui. Understanding your Feng Shui Kua Number will help you determine the best areas for you and identify your best elements, lucky colors, lucky number, lucky seasons and lucky directions, thereby creating a positive mental attitude within yourself. This week, our Singapore feng shui master will give you the know-how to calculate and take benefit from Kua Number.
The best way to begin Feng Shui is to determine the four most favorable corners of your home, office or an area of a room. These corners will be your luckiest; thus creating better chi (energy) in your environment. To determine which 4 corners/directions are your luckiest you need to know your Kua Number (also called Gua Number). A Kua Number is calculated by the year of your birth and gender. It used to determine your four ‘lucky corners’ (your “Auspicious” [successful/favorable] directions) or ‘unlucky corners’ (your “Inauspicious” [unsuccessful/unfavorable] directions). Your Kua Number will also determine whether you are in the East Group or West Group.
The group is used to determine your best element, best season, best color, your character, and which direction to most avoid.
Kua numbers 1, 3, 4, or 9 are people in the East Group.
Kua number is 2, 6, 7, 8 or a 5 female or male are people in the West Group.
Note: Somewhere, they do not use the Kua Number 5. Females replace it with Kua 8 and the men replace it with Kua 2.
To calculate your Kua number use the calculator below or this simple formula. Take the last two numbers of the year you were born and add them together. Reduce them down to a single digit. For example if you were born in 1957 then you take the 57; 5+7=12; 1+2=3.
MALE – take the single digit and subtract it from 10. Example: 1957 single number of 3; 10-3=7. The Kua number is 7.
FEMALE – take the single digit and add 5. Using the 1957 single number of 3; 3+5=8. The Kua number is 8.
After figure out your Kua Number, take a look at 2 tables followings to find out which direction is best for you: